12/12/12 12:10pm – 12/14/12 10:32am
sheer accident
(the unrealized title)
to say there is nothing left to be said
goes against everything those before us
spoke of.
t is the letter of the alphabet my left hand
accidentally typed.
o-d-a-y are the letters i will follow it with,
because today whether by sheer accident
or divine fate marks occurred events that
will mold us in a way that only today can.
the sweetest songs to have never been
written are to be wrote some day by today.
most of us haven’t the conscious effort
to process it’s bigger picture until
tomorrow is already with us.
m is the letter of the alphabet fate
working through my right hand typed
o-o-d are the letters it will follow it with.
because mood is today carried with us.
the unrealized title given to unslept
upon feelings.
& if the only noise we make of these
feelings is of those before us rolling in
their graves or of those after us rolling
in their wombs it is at least a new noise.