what i at second erase – 12/12/12

12/12/12 9:52am – 12/13/12 2:30am

what i at second erase
(fathered them all)

well whose words are they if not mine?
in my second guessing it is only myself
denying myself.
if i value what i at very first wrote i
must value what i at second erase.

who am i now to predict the flatness of
notes not yet pushed out?
from the lungs, to the vocal chords, to
the tongue, to the lips leaves plenty of
room for deviations from the planned.

are they not all welcome in my home?
from the flattest lows to the sharpest
highs i’ve fathered them all.
they may have entered by window, but
are free to unlock the front door.

whose signiature is nowhere to be
found when the sound of their own
voice is played back?
if i value what i at very first wrote
i must value what i at second speak.