with tilted head – 10/5/12

10/5/12 10:07am -10/12/12 9:32pm

with tilted heads

sitting alone facing tables for two
leaves options for entertainment
left to my own diversions i view
questionable seating arrangements

did he pick this diner for her?
or did he pick her from the diner?
any place of brick and mortar
any words to lay beside her

she’s nursing a drink that’s older than her
he’s a seemingly less attractive guy
together their two consenting adults
feigning interest in day to day life

he’s making fun of a different pair
sharing the same side of a booth
with tilted heads they sit & stare
at this public display of youth

but her smile is just a reaction
to a joke she’s heard before
his hands mistake it for attraction
which she pretends to ignore

he’s aware he will never know her
since it’s only this night he’s after
it’s not that she places him below her
his intentions are not the matter

how could she learn somebody who
could be with somebody like her?
chance encounters predetermined to
end much sooner than it later

another expiration date that ends
exchanging words for bodily fluids
& what is left of their second winds
will be spent somewhere that i can’t view it