got me pegged – 12/8/12

12/8/12 6:11pm – 12/11/12 1:15am

got me pegged
(having a laugh beneath their breath)

no man or woman should ever be made
to feel any less for not meeting a gender
specific description.
feminine & masculine are two words
that mean far more now than they did
when they were first spoke.

words that were only meant to help
paint a picture are now backing us into
corners instead.
are there not enough corners to paint
ourselves into without having to resort
to using language against ourselves?

the way that we are dressed can’t
possibly be the most interesting part of
their day.
if so then i am afraid that they are in
great need of a muse to amuse
whatever void we are filling.

being asked by my significant other to
briefly hold a purse does not embarrass
me, but a phantom feeling goes through
the motions.
reminding me of what at one time i
was made to feel.

to think of her or anyone’s load not
lightened for the sake of what others
might say to themselves.
what terrible use of a watchful eye to
look for those who might have a laugh
beneath their breath.

the only thing that would keep us is
the threat of anticipating others.