12/21/12 4:37pm – 12/9/13 2:22am
i’m broke (it’s christmas)
(tongues coated in fools gold)
i know it’s not what you really wanted
but it’s about the best that i could do
given that holidays of the haunted
and stuffed birds have broke my wallet in two
and that would be fine if it wasn’t for
you children’s still growing expensive taste
your tongues coated in fools gold cry for more
while letting youth on the young go to waste
leftovers and candy of the haunted
for each gold tongue’s name checked not once but two
i know it’s not not getting what you wanted
that took the belief in me out of you
there was a time before you gold tongues began
back when children knew the names of my reindeer
before my likeness was on a soda can
not a gold tongue was stirring that you could hear